Tuesday 30 September 2014

power of thoughts

हमारी सकारात्मक सोच, सकारात्मक संवाद और सकारात्मक कार्यों का असर हमें सफलता की ओर अग्रसर करते हैं।

Be Positive Think Positive

वहीं निराशा तथा नकारात्मक संवाद व्यक्ति को अवसाद में ले जाते हैं क्योंकि विचारों में बहुत शक्ति होती है। हम क्या सोचते हैं, इस बात का हमारे जीवन पर बहुत गहरा असर होता है। इसीलिए अक्सर निराशा के क्षणों में मनोवैज्ञानिक भी सकारात्मक संवाद एवं सकारात्मक कहानियों को पढने की सलाह देते हैं। हमारे सकारात्मक विचार ही मन में उपजे निराशा के अंधकार को दूर करके आशाओं के द्वार खोलते हैं।

स्वामी विवेकानंद जी कहते हैं, “हम वो हैं जो हमारी सोच ने हमें बनाया है, इसलिए इस बात का ध्यान रखिये कि आप क्या सोचते हैं। शब्द गौंण हैं, विचार दूर तक यात्रा करते हैं।“

भारत के भूतपूर्व राष्ट्रपति ए.पी.जे. अब्दुल कलाम, गरीब मछुआरे के बेटे थे। बचपन में अखबार बेचा करते थे। आर्थिक कठनाईंयों के बावजूद वे पढाई करते रहे। सकारात्मक विचारों के कारण ही उन्होने भारत की प्रौद्योगिकी के क्षेत्र में अनेक सफलताएं हासिल कीं। अपने आशावदी विचारों से वे आज भारत में ही नही बल्कि पूरे विश्व में वंदनीय हैं। उन्हे मिसाइल मैन के नाम से जाना जाता है। हमारे देश में ही नही अपितु पूरे विश्व में ऐसे अनेक लोग हैं जिन्होने विपरीत परिस्थिति में भी अपनी सकारत्मक वैचारिक शक्ति से इतिहास रचा है।

20वीं सदी के महानतम राजनेताऔं में से एक ब्रिटेन के प्रधानमंत्री चर्चिल बचपन में हकलाते थे, जिसके कारण उनके सहपाठी उन्हे बहुत चिढाया करते थे। अपनी हकलाहट के बावजूद चर्चिल ने बचपन में ही सकारत्मक विचारों को अपनाया और मन में प्रण किया कि, मैं एक दिन अच्छा वक्ता बनुंगा। उनके आशावादी विचारों ने विपरीत परिस्थिति में भी उन्हे कामयाबी की ओर अग्रसर किया। द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के समय ब्रिटेन को एक साहसी अनुभवी और सैन्य पृष्ठभूमि वाले प्रधानमंत्री की जरूरत थी। विस्टन चर्चिल को उस समय इस पद के लिये योग्य माना गया। राजनीति के अलावा उनका साहित्य में भी योगदान रहा। इतिहास, राजनीति और सैन्य अभियानों पर लिखी उनकी किताबों की वजह से उन्हे 1953 में साहित्य का नोबेल पुरस्कार प्राप्त हुआ। ये सब उपलब्धिया उनके सकारत्मक विचारों का ही परिणाम है।

कई बार हम सबने क्रिकेटरों को कहते सुना होगा कि एक दो चौका पङ जाने से विपक्ष का मनोबल टूट गया जिससे वे गलत बॉलिंग करने लगे और मैच हार गये। वहीं कुछ खिलाङियों के साथ ये भी देखने को मिलता है कि वे पुरे सकारात्मक विचारों से खेलते हैं परिस्थिती भले ही विपरीत हो तब भी, जिसका परिणाम ये होता है कि वे हारी बाजी भी जीत जाते हैं। सकारात्मक विचार की शक्ति से तो बिस्तर पर पङे रोगी में भी ऊर्जा का संचार होता है और वे पुनः अपना जीवन सामान्य तौर से शुरु कर पाता है। हमें अपने मस्तिष्क को महान विचारों से भर लेना चाहिए तभी हम महान कार्य संपादित कर सकते हैं। जैसे कि हम सोचे, मै ऊर्जा से भरपूर हूँ, आज का दिन अच्छा है, मैं ये कार्य कर सकता हूँ क्योकि विचार शैली विषम या प्रतिकूल परिस्थिति में भी मनोबल को ऊँचा रखती है। सकारात्मक व्यक्ति सदैव दूसरे में भी सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का संचार करता है।

अक्सर देखा जाता है कि, हममें से कई लोग चाहे वो विद्यार्थी हों या नौकरीपेशा या अन्य क्षेत्र से हों काम या पढाई की अधिकता को देखकर कहने लगते हैं कि ये हमसे नहीं होगा या मैं ये नही कर सकता। यही नकारात्मक विचार उन्हे आगे बढने से रोकते हैं। यदि हम ना की जगह ये कहें कि हम कोशिश करते हैं हम ये कर सकते हैं तो परिस्थिति सकारात्मक संदेश का वातावरण निर्मित करती है। जिस तरह हम जब रास्ते में चलते हैं तो पत्थर या काटोँ पर पैर नही रखते उससे बचकर निकल जाते हैं उसी प्रकार हमें अपने नकारत्मक विचारों से भी बचना चाहिए क्योंकि जिस प्रकार एक पेङ से माचिस की लाख से भी ज्यादा तीलियाँ बनती है किन्तु लाख पेङ को जलाने के लिए सिर्फ एक तीली ही काफी होती है। उसी प्रकार एक नकारात्मक विचार हमारे हजारों सपनो को जला सकता है।

हमारे विचार तो, उस रंगीन चश्में की तरह हैं जिसे पहन कर हर चीज उसी रंग में दिखाई देती है। यदि हम सकारात्मक विचारों का चश्मा पहनेंगे तो सब कुछ संभव होता नजर आयेगा। भारत की आजादी, विज्ञान की नित नई खोज सकारात्मक विचारों का ही परिणाम है। आज हमारा देश भारत विकासशील से बढकर विकसित राष्ट्र की श्रेणीं में जा रहा है। ये सब सकारात्मक विचारों से ही संभव हो रहा है। अतः हम अपने सपनो और लक्ष्यों को सकारत्मक विचारों से सिचेंगे तो सफलता की फसल अवश्य लहलहायेगी। बस, केवल हमें सकारात्मक विचारों को अपने जीवन का अभिन्न अंग बनाना होगा।

स्वामी विवेकानंद जी कहते हैं कि, “मन में अच्छे विचार लायें। उसी विचार को अपने जीवन का लक्ष्य बनायें। हमेशा उसी के बारे में सोचे, सपने देखें। यहाँ तक की उसके लिए हर क्षणं जिएं। आप पायेंगे कि सफलता आपके कदम चूम रही है।“

मित्रों, यदि हम ये सोचें कि, हम कुछ भी कर पाने में सक्षम हैं, चाहे वो हमारी सोच हो या जीवन या हमारे सपने सब सच हो सकते हैं। हम इस अंनत ब्रह्माण्ड की तरह अनंत संभावनाओं से परिपूर्ण हैं। तो ऐसे सकारात्मक विचारों को जीवन में अपनाने से हमारे जीवन में सार्थक और सफल परिवर्तन संभव हो सकेगा।
By Anita sharma (philosopher) 

Saturday 13 September 2014

Never judge women or girl

Never judge a woman by her attitude...listen to her story, get to know her heart & experience her fears...Not everything is what it seems...~E.Williams.

👋Hello my dear friends,i m going to post about women and girls feelings.

Never judge a woman if she doesn’t have a relationship status and never underestimate a woman if she is single. She might be single because maybe she doesn’t believe in casual love affairs and out of the blue relationships. Maybe she fears being in a relationship because of a recent breakup. Maybe she was cheated upon and she is too shattered to trust a man again. Maybe she wants a man who would understand her and take relationships seriously OR Maybe she is waiting for her true love and she has the courage, strength, ability, attitude and confidence to wait for what she deserves.

few Current Writers I’m In Love With

I love to read. And I especially love to read good writers, people who are in love with the written word, who can tell great stories, create characters I want to be best friends with, invent new worlds that I can inhabit for a few days.

It’s by reading these writers that I realize what is possible as a writer myself. They bring my imagination alive.

I can curl up with a good book and get lost in it. I finish such a book with regret, and stare at the author’s picture and wonder what kind of a person can create like this.

William Gibson.

I can’t get enough of this guy. His writing is just so cool. Known as the father of cyberpunk, Gibson creates gritty worlds filled with technology that just seem real, and bittersweet stories that I can’t put down. His work is like poetry. It started with Neuromancer and that first trilogy, continued with the excellent Bridge trilogy (starting with Virtual Light and ending in the excellent All 

Jonathan Lethem.

I’m currently working my way through his work. Motherless Brooklyn was just a great, great book — filled with fascinating characters, including a lead character who didn’t fit the bill of hero in any sense, but works perfectly

Ann Patchett.

I can’t say enough good things about her. Bel Canto was one of the most beautiful books I’ve read in years, and I’ve read and loved every one of her other books except one. I wish I could write as well as her. 

Terry Pratchett. 

One of the funniest guys I’ve ever read (Douglas Addams is just above him), Pratchett takes the realm of fantasy and injects a wonderful sense of humor. I’m a particular fan of Captain Vimes and Lip von Moistwick books.

J.K. Rowling.

I’m reading the last Harry Potter book (the Deathly Hallows) with my friends. He writes great a great adventure story. 

Wednesday 10 September 2014

The Art of Handling Criticism Gracefully

If you’re going to do anything interesting in the world, criticism is an unavoidable fact.

You’ll be criticized, because you’ll make mistakes, because some will be jealous, because people have opinions about anything interesting, because people want to help you, because someone want to drag down those doing anything different.

I have 800 subscribers and more than 4000 friends on my public facebook id. Whenever i post a matter on my fb status.I received all kinds of criticism. Many of them were from new readers, who were mostly incredibly positive and encouraging, but who sometimes would leave scathing comments on a post.

I can handle crictism.
Here i ll tell u some tricks

How to Handle It Gracefully

Calm yourself down before responding. Always. Responding to a critic in anger is never, ever, ever a good idea. In case I didn’t make that clear: don’t ever ever ever respond in anger.

Ask yourself why the criticism was made. Is the person trying to help, to make things better, to help you avoid making mistakes, to suggest positive improvements? Is the person just in a cranky rude mood, having a bad day? Is the person just mean, or jealous? Is there good reason for the criticism?

Regardless of the motivation, ask yourself if there is validity in the criticism. Sometimes there really is, but instead of letting that get you down, let it help you improve. Admit that you’re not perfect at what you do (though you are perfect), and that not everything you do is exactly right, and that you want to improve. I, for one, certainly make mistakes all the time and have a lot I can improve.

Thank the person offering the criticism. Sometimes they’re coming from a place of wanting to help you. That takes courage, and is a very generous thing. Be grateful for that. Even when they’re not trying to be helpful, they’ve taken the time to respond to you — and trust me, getting a response is better than absolute silence. Provoking a reaction means you’ve done something interesting — and for that, you should be thankful. Either way, thanking the critic will help lead to a positive exchange.

Respond rationally and calmly. Instead of being defensive, be honest. Share your reasons, acknowledge the other person’s points if there’s any validity, and come to a rational conclusion rather than jealously guarding your way of doing things.

Or stay silent. If you can’t respond with grace, then just don’t respond. Silence is a much better response than anger or defensiveness or quitting.

Carry on. You’ve responded gracefully, now get back to doing your amazing things.

Saturday 6 September 2014


What is a commitment?  Some people think it's a type of relationship.  Other people say it is the same as a promise.  Some call the various appointments on their calendar commitments.

Commitment is an agreement or pledge to do something in the future.  As long as it is just words, it's still just a promise.  You can turn your promise into a commitment by setting an intention, making a plan, and following that plan, no matter what obstacles you meet along the way.  A commitment involves action.  It involves integrity (making your actions match your words, thoughts, or beliefs).  It means overcoming obstacles.  It means going forward, even though you may have some doubts.

Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality," wrote someone whose name we shall never know.  "It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions.  And the actions which speak louder than the words. 

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Looking For Love?

*** Looking for love ***

                       My friends and many people ask me  for people who are looking for love and meeting for new person.
look my dear friends, i m not a dating expert and love guru but i know the relationship and its important in our life .
In present time ,all students and teens think that only gf-bf relationship exists. But its not true my dear friend  if you are looking someone in life then u have to understand the basic of relationship,basic of humanity.
In present time there are many relationship are breaking.Husband are giving divorce to wife ,people not able to understand to other people ,60-90 % people are unsatisfied of thier partners because they have no knowledge of basic relationship.

Remember my dear friends ,these relationship skills are never taught in our college ,university and schools.
school aur colleges me jo education padhai jaati hai wo real life me kabhi kaam nahi aati hai , although u can just get good marks and a job but jab college se nikalne ke baad life ke second phase me enter karte ho to wanha sirf aur sirf tumhare behaviour ,personal skill ,and relationship management kaam aata hai ...janha aap job karege in sub cheezo ki badi hi importance hoti hai ..

There are so many student who score good marks even they get job also but in real life ,they do not face real life situations and they become fail .
my dear friends ,main ye nahi kah raha hu ki ye engineering ki padhai kaam nahi aayegi .ye jaroor kaam aayegi per iske sath sath apko wo sab ki skill bhi sikhni padegi agar aapko ekk achhi jagah per settle hona hai ....

issi reason se aaj women sexual harassment increase ho rahi hai day by day .
because humko basic relationship ke baare me koi idea nahi hai .in every min ,in every sec . india me kanhi na kahi rape hota hai because of lack of basic relationship.
many big leader say that agar meri gov aayegi to main rape ko khatam kar dunga ..
aree bhaiya kaise khatam hoga jab poison pure body main spread ho gaya hai to hath katne se wo bimari door to nahi hogi na ...
jab tak ekk boy aur ekk girl ekk dusare ko samjhenge nahi tab tak ye harassment chalta rahega ...
hame basic cheez per concentrate karna hoga.
anyways i come my topic .

Let go your idealsour probably have some ideal of who you’re looking for — I know people who have made a “man board” with all of their ideal characteristics, or an “ideal woman” list with a laundry list of how she’ll look and what she’ll be good at. Good luck with that. You’re just making it harder on yourself .

today 95% people are unhappy because wo ekk dusaro ko change karne me lage hue ..ekk common dialogue hai ..yaar wo ajeeb hai .bhagwan ne usko galat banaya hai ...
aree bhai kabhi  GOD galti karta hai kya...
har ekk person apne aap me unique hota hai ..aur tumhare jaiss insan iss earth per kanhi nahi hoga ...yaad rakhna agar tum log bhi apne pitaare me aise girls/boys find kar rahe ho ki mera sapno ka rajkumar itna hansome hoga ,itna smart hoga bla bla bla ....to aise find karte rahna kabhi nahi milne wala hai ..kyoki jo hum wish kar rahe hai wo to hamari apni hi quality hai ..abb tumhare jaisa insan iss earth per kanha milega ...issi liye log aksar yahi kahte hai ki yaar wo muje pasand nahi aayi/aaya  ..

remember my dear frinds ,god agar ekk cheez bana deta hai to uski jaisi dusari cheez kabhi nahi banata hai ...everything is unique in our life nature , u too :)
issiliye arrange marriage jyada successful hoti hai ..kyoki wanha per hum apne jaisa insan nahi find karte hai ..aur girl and boy yahi sochte hai ki yes hume usko adjust karna padega ..aur adust karte karte  arrange marriage me pyar ho jata hai . :) :) dheere dheere rafte rafte ;)
main ye nahi kah raha hu ki love marriage successful nahi hhoti hai ..hoti hai dost ..lekin hame ekk dusare anokhepan ko jhelna hota hai... aur kisi ko jhelna hi pyar hota ... ekk best friend apne friend ko jhel raha hota hai ,ekk husband apne wife ko jhel raha hota hai ..thats love ...jhelna i love hai ...iss world me aise kai log milenge jo kisi ko jhelte nahi hai aur unhe akela chhor ke chale jaate hai .

my dear friends .... if u r looking for someone in life then accept that person's quality because the person is unique and god creations .
fir dekhne koi bhi akela nahi rahega iss world me ...
enjoy variety of person ....
ye kahna band karo ki wo bahut ajeev hai yaar ,,mujse nahi banti hai ..kyoki god ne usee aisa hi banaya hai ...variety ko enjoy karna sikho mere dost ..always be happy :) :)
your vikas bharti  .thanks for reading this article .
if u have any problems ,then u can contact me on given email/fb link or in college campus .:) :)
take care :)



Monday 1 September 2014

Break your limiting belief

hii dosto ,how r u ? i hope ,all is well :) 

friends, kya apne focus kiya hai ki jab koi strong belief ekk baar break hoti hai to wo break hoti chali jaati hai.
lets see some example.
pahle ye assumption tha ki human being k liye 10 sec k andar 100m run karna imossible hai ,fir ekk din jim hinse ne 9.95 sec me ye distance cover kar lete hai 
fir aaj tak na jane kitne atheletes ye record ko repeat kar chuke hai example. ussain bolt 

why its happened.??
bcz record banana kai years se people ke andar baithi kisi strong belief ko tod deti hai ...pahle jis kaam ko hamara mind impossible manta tha wo abb possible manae lagta hai ..thats is breaking of strong belief .
aisa karne se humara mind uss kaam ke liye taiyaar ho jata hai aur wo kaam  asani se ho jata hai .
thats breaking of strong belief.

abb apni study ko hi le lete hai kuch log kahte hai ki yanha ki padhai se GATE,IES,CAT,PSU,IAS.nahi crack hoga .abb aisa kahne se ekk weak belief hamare mind me aa jaati hai aur hum stress, and low confidence feel karne lagte hai ...yahi sabhi ke sath hota hai .apne belief ko jitni ho sake utna strong  banao ...jitni jyada strong belief utni jyada instant action hoga mere dost.

Your belief.
ho sakta hai ki aap bhi anjane me kuch aisi belief bana rakhi hogi jo limiting belief hogi ..
main ye nahi kar sakta hu ,,main wo nahi kar sakta hu ..bla bla bla ...
if u r capured as limiting belief.. be careful my dear friend..
iss competion bhari duniya me aap jitni ho sake apne belief ko strong aur limiting belief ko high rakh lo warna ..future me apki watt lagne wali hai ..
main iss baat ko emphasize karte hue ye post kiya hu ,,,
get rid of it .
wo kariye jo aap karna chahte ...people apko bahut bate batayenge ki yaar its too hard ..leave it ..koi other goal soch ...aise logo ki baate ko ekk kaan se suno aur dusare kaan se nikaal do..aise negative people se door hi rahi to hi achha rahega ...
always remember my dear friends ,koi bhi kaam agar karna hota hai to sabse pahle uspe hamare belief aur hamara mind work karta hai ..fir humko lagta hai ki ye kaam kar lunga to wo directly action me change ho jaata hai ...aur wo kaam jo karna hota hai hum kar lete hai ..thats it .
break all limiting belief...
 your vikas bharti
bye .take care


Sunday 31 August 2014

True love

Once there lived two brothers who lost their parents at an early age. They worked together on their family farm. Some years later, the elder married and had a family with 2 children, while the other was still single. They worked hard together in the day and at the end of each day they shared their produce equally. One day while the single brother was working in the fields, he thought to himself, "It's not right that we share equally everything. I'm alone and my needs are simple. My brother has a big family. He needs much more." With that in mind he took a sack full of grains and slowly went to his brothers barn and places the sack quietly.
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He did so every night. Meanwhile, the married brother thought to himself, "It's not right that we share everything equally. After all, I'm married and I have my wife and children to look after me in years to come. My brother has no family and no one can take care of his future. He really should have a bigger share." So each night he took a bag of grain and put it into his brothers barn quietly. This went on and both men were puzzled for years because their grain never dwindled(Decrease). Then one night, on the way to each others barn, the two brothers coincidentally met and they found out what was happening all these years! They dropped their bags, cried and embraced one another with tears of happiness.THIS IS LOVE.

Saturday 30 August 2014

When you feel tired,system is worst and can not do anything.
Do not be disappointed. Just watch this video .
after watching this video, you will find changes in yourself.

Friday 29 August 2014

positive affirmation


Life can be a struggle sometimes. We may wake up some mornings feeling energized and ready for the day, and other times we wake up wishing we could just crawl back in bed and let the world pass us by.
I've found that motivational and inspirational quotes can not only help you get through those tough life circumstances, but they can also give you an extra bit of hope when you are making progress toward a goal or dream you have.
Having been through several big life challenges myself, I started looking for quotations and sayings that would help me see the world in a better way. As I began filling my mind with positive words, I found that my whole perception of life changed. Instead of looking at each challenge as a bad thing, I began to see them as an opportunity to grow and better myself. Now, as a results, I don't let anything hold me back from chasing my goals
and dreams.

How often do you find yourself looking for the next big thing in life? Do you constantly wish that you had a better car, house, or life in general?
When we get caught up in focusing on all the things we don't have, we forget about all the blessings we actually do have. I'm sure we've all missed great opportunities that have been right in front of us because we were so focused on the future or a desire we had. I encourage you to take a look around you today and find what opportunities are sitting right there waiting for you.

being thankful for life.

Monday 18 August 2014

Personal Development for Smart People

The purpose of this blog is to help you grow as a conscious human being. This includes guiding you to discover and accept your life purpose; inspiring you to feel more motivated, energized, and passionate; helping you shed disempowering relationships and build a network of loving support; teaching you how to achieve stable financial abundance doing what you love; and encouraging you to make a genuine contribution to humanity -- so you can finally experience the kind of life that deep down, you always knew you were meant to live.
You aren't here to struggle and suffer. You're here to express and share your creative gifts, to give and receive love, and to be happy. It will take time, but this site can certainly help you get there, and the vast majority of resources here are free.
This site will help you make conscious decisions in your personal developmentjourney and courageously follow through. This means having the maturity to take 100% responsibility for your health, your career, your finances, your relationships, your emotions, your habits, and your spiritual beliefs. It requires taking a deep look at yourself, consciously deciding what kind of person you truly are on the inside, and then getting your external reality to be congruent with your inner being. The goal is to help you achieve outstanding effectiveness while maintaining internal balance, where your thoughts, feelings, actions, and skills are all working together to create the life you truly desire.
Personal development is hard work. It takes time, consistency, and patience. If you're only here looking for shallow quick fixes and you aren't interested in real, lasting change, this isn't the right place for you. This site is designed for people who are serious about personal growth and willing to commit to it.
This site will help you learn to live more consciously, to summon the courage to face the unfaceable parts of your life, and to solve the deep problems you've not yet been able to solve. You'll learn practical ideas to make important changes in your life, both big and small, so you can get your life on track and start living up to your potential.
This site can't teach you to be perfect. Perfection isn't the point. The point is for you to get yourself onto a path of practical, positive growth. It's very likely that this site will be of tremendous assistance to you on your journey.
The main themes of this blog
  • Truth: Accept reality and rid your life of falsehood and denial
  • Love: Improve your ability to connect with yourself and others
  • Power: Build your motivation and discipline to create the life you desire
  • Oneness: Stop fighting against resistance, and make the world your ally
  • Authority: Take command of your life, and learn to make clear decisions
  • Courage: Summon the inner strength to take action in spite of fear
  • Intelligence: Live authentically, and express your genuine creativity
The areas of your life this site will help you improve include:
  • Habits: Create a daily routine that gives you a sense of flow
  • Career: Build a career you're truly passionate about
  • Money: Achieve financial abundance without compromising your integrity
  • Health: Adopt health habits that empower your physical body
  • Relationships: Enjoy loving relationships that help you grow
  • Spirituality: Raise your awareness and live more consciously

How To Read Your Tire

For our example, the numbers are:
P215/65R 15 95H
(P) Service Description
The service description may not always appear on the tire, but it is important to know how it can affect your vehicle. If there is a "P" on the sidewall, it stands for "passenger car." This refers to the U.S. (P-metric) method of tire sizing. "LT" stands for Light Truck, "ST" is for Special Trailer and "T" stands for Temporary, which is primarily used for small spare tires. If a tire does not have a "P" or another letter in front of the numbers, it is considered a "Euro-metric" tire. A Euro-metric tire conforms to the European tire specifications, and often carries a different load index than a comparably sized P-metric tire. We'll discuss load index in more detail below.
(215) Tire Width
The first number in this series refers to the tire's section width, or the distance from sidewall edge to sidewall edge, measured in millimeters up and over the tire's tread. Generally speaking, the larger this number is, the wider the tire will be.
(65) Aspect Ratio
This number is the tire's aspect ratio, or its section height compared to its section width. In this example, the section (or sidewall) height is 65 percent of the section width. This number can be indicative of a tire's purpose. Lower numbers, like 55 or less, mean a short sidewall for improved steering response and better overall handling.
(R) Internal Construction
The "R" refers to radial construction, which has been the industry standard in passenger-car tires for more than 25 years. Prior to radial tires, most cars came with bias-ply tires, which had a crude construction that made for poor handling. Bias-ply tires (which use a "B" for their description) are still used for certain truck applications.
(15) Rim Diameter
This is the wheel (or rim) diameter, in inches, for which the tire was sized. Pay particular attention to this number if you plan on upgrading your wheel size. If your wheel diameter changes, you'll have to purchase a new set of tires that matches this new diameter.
(95) Load Index
A tire's load index is a measurement of how much weight each tire is designed to support. The larger the number, the higher the load capacity. This is one of the most important numbers on your tire. To find out what "95" means, you have to look it up on a Load-Carrying Capacity Per Tire chart. Ninety-five indicates a maximum weight of 1,521 pounds. Remember that this is per tire, which means you have to multiply by four to get the total capacity for a complete set of tires. If the vehicle has its original tires, you can just refer to the doorjamb, which lists the maximum cargo capacity with passengers.
Some vehicles are equipped with "XL" tires. It doesn't mean that they're extra large, but it does mean that they are extra-load tires. The load index on these tires is much higher than a standard-load tire, which is why it is important to replace an XL tire with another XL tire.
Earlier, we discussed "P-metric" and "Euro-metric" sizing, and it's the difference in their load rating that can lead to confusion and potential trouble. For a given size, P-metric tires will have a load index that is one or two points lower than corresponding Euro-metric tires. So if your car came with Euro-metric tires, don't replace them with P-metric tires. You can, however, replace P-metric tires with equivalent-size Euro-metric ones because you gain load capacity that way.
Why is this important? Generally speaking, you don't want your replacement tires to have a lower load index number than the originals (again, as indicated by the driver's doorjamb or the owner's manual), particularly with high-capacity vehicles that ride on smallish tires, such as minivans.
Also, optional large-diameter wheels with lower-profile tires tend to have less load-carrying capacity because they contain less air. And it is the volume of air inside the tire, not the rubber itself or the wheel material that shoulders the load. The load index is especially important when shopping for a tire online, since some retailers do not specify whether a tire is P-metric or not.
(H) Speed Rating
The speed rating is a measurement of the speed at which the tire is designed to run for extended periods. An "H" speed rating signifies that this tire can be run safely at speeds of up to 130 mph for extended periods. Will it explode if it goes to 140? Not immediately. But it might, if it is run at that speed for an extended time.
Here is a complete list of the various tire speed ratings, and their associated letters:
S = 112 mph
T = 118 mph
U = 124 mph
H = 130 mph
V = 149 mph
*Z = Over 149 mph
*W = 168 mph
*Y = 186 mph
*(Y) = Over 186 mph
*The "Z" rating used to be the highest rating for tires having a maximum speed capability greater than 149 mph. But as tire technology improved, it ultimately split into the "W" and "Y" ratings. A "ZR" may sometimes appear in the size designation, as a sort of nod to the prior rating, but it will also be used in conjunction with a W or a Y. When a Y rating is enclosed in parentheses, it means that the tire is capable of speeds in excess of 186 mph.
Additional Information on Your Tires
DOT Code
The DOT code is used by the Department of Transportation (DOT) to track tire production for recall purposes. If a tire proves to be defective, this number helps keep track of where these tires ended up so buyers can be notified of the problem. At the end of the DOT code you'll find a four-digit number. This is the manufacturing date of the tire. The first two digits stand for the week; the other two are the year. For example, if your tire had "1613" listed, it was manufactured on the 16th week of 2013.
If you come across a three-digit number, you have a tire that was manufactured before 2000. A DOT tire code of "127" indicates the tire was made on the 12th week of the seventh year of the decade. But it's difficult to know whether that was 1997 or even 1987. According to tirerack.com, some tires produced in the 1990s may have a small triangle following the DOT number to identify the decade. But any tire that has a three-digit code is history. Tire experts recommend that you replace tires that are six or more years old, regardless of their tread depth.
Sometimes the DOT number will be located on the inside of the tire. In this case, you can either jack up the car to inspect it, or check with your local mechanic or tire shop. You should also make a habit of checking the manufacturing date on your spare tire as well.

Beauty Quotes

सौंदर्य उद्धरण 

Quote 1: Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.
In Hindi: कभी-कभार लोग सुन्दर होते हैं।दिखने में नहीं। इसमें नहीं कि वे क्या कहते हैं।  बस इसमें जोकि वे हैं।
मार्कस ज़ुकस Markus Zusak
Quote 2: All little girls should be told they are pretty, even if they aren’t.”
In Hindi: सभी छोटी लड़कियों को ये कहा जाना चाहिए कि वे सुन्दर हैं , भले ही वो ना हों।
Marilyn Monroe मर्लिन मुनरो
Quote 3: Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.
In Hindi: अभी भी आप के आसपास जो सुंदरता बची है उसके बारे में सोचिये और खुश रहिये.
Anne Frank  ऐनी फ्रैंक
Quote 4 : Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
In Hindi : हर एक चीज में खूबसूरती होती है, लेकिन हर कोई उसे नहीं देख पाता.
Confucius कन्फ्यूशियस  
Quote 5: A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears.
In Hindi: एक औरत जिसकी मुस्कान खुली हुई है और जिसके भाव खुशनुमा हैं उसमे एक तरह की सुंदरता है फिर चाहे वो जैसे भी कपड़े पहने।
Anne Roiphe ऐनी रोइफे
Quote 6: Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.
In Hindi: कभी भी कोई सुन्दर चीज देखने का अवसर मत गँवाइये , क्योंकि सुंदरता ईश्वर की लिखावट है।
Ralph Waldo Emerson राल्फ वाल्डो इमर्सन
Quote 7: Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
In Hindi: सौंदर्य शक्ति है; एक मुस्कान उसकी तलवार है।
John Ray जॉन रे
Quote 8: Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art.
In Hindi: सुंदरता के प्रति प्रेम रूचि है। सुंदरता का सृजन कला है।
Ralph Waldo Emerson राल्फ वाल्डो इमर्सन
Quote 9: Of life’s two chief prizes, beauty and truth, I found the first in a loving heart and the second in a laborer’s hand.
In Hindi: जीवन के दो प्रमुख उपहार, सौंदर्य और सत्य, पहले को मैंने एक प्रेम करने वाले हृदय में पाया और दुसरे को एक मजदूर के हाथों में।
Khalil Gibran खलील जिब्रान
Quote 10: To love beauty is to see light.
In Hindi: सौंदर्य से प्यार करना प्रकाश को देखना है।
Victor Hugo विक्टर ह्यूगो
Quote 11: Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.
In Hindi: चूँकि आप के भीतर प्यार बढ़ता है, इसलिए सौंदर्य बढ़ता है। क्योंकि प्यार आत्मा का सौंदर्य है।
Saint Augustine सेंट ऑगस्टाइन
Quote 12: A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
In Hindi: सौंदर्य की एक चीज हमेशा का आनंद है।
John Keats जॉन कीट्स
Quote 13: The world’s biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman.
In Hindi : दुनिए की सबसे बड़ी शक्ति नौजवानी और औरत की सुन्दरता है ।
 Chanakya चाणक्य
Quote 14: Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference.
In Hindi: आत्म सुंदरता  किसी भी रेफरेंस लेटर से एक बड़ा सिफारिश है।
Aristotle अरस्तु
Quote 15: Beauty is truth’s smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror.
In Hindi: सौंदर्य सत्य की मुस्कराहट है जब सत्य खुद अपना चेहरा एक उत्तम दर्पण में देखता है।
Rabindranath Tagore  रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर
Quote 16: Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.
In Hindi: सौंदर्य एक आईने में शाश्वतता का खुद को एकटक देखना है।
Khalil Gibran खलील जिब्रान
Quote 17: Rare is the union of beauty and purity.
In Hindi: सौंदर्य और पवित्रता का मिलन दुर्लभ है।
जुवेनल Juvenal
Quote 18: A witty woman is a treasure; a witty beauty is a power.
In Hindi: एक तीक्ष्ण बुद्धि औरत एक खजाना है; एक तीक्ष्ण बुद्धि सौंदर्य एक शक्ति है।
George Meredith जॉर्ज मेरेडिथ
Quote 19: Beauty is not caused. It is.
In Hindi: सुंदरता किसी कारण से नहीं होती। यह बस होती है।
Emily Dickinson एमिली डिकिंसन
Quote 20: The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express.
In Hindi: सुंदरता का सबसे अच्छा हिस्सा वो है जिसे कोई तस्वीर व्यक्त नहीं कर सकती।
Francis Bacon फ्रांसिस बेकन
Quote 21: There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.
In Hindi: दोष में एक प्रकार सौंदर्य है।
Conrad Hall कॉनराड हॉल
Quote 22: Taking joy in living is a woman’s best cosmetic.
In Hindi: जीने में आनन्द लेना एक औरत का सबसे अच्छा कॉस्मेटिक है।
Rosalind Russell रॉसलिंड रसेल
Quote 23: Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and beholder.
In Hindi: सुंदरता शराब से भी बदतर है यह रखने वाले और देखने वाले दोनों को मदहोश कर देती है।
Aldous Huxley एल्ड्स हक्सले
Quote 24: Beauty is whatever gives joy.
In Hindi: जो कुछ भी  ख़ुशी दे वो सुंदरता है।
Edna St. Vincent Millay एडना सेंट विन्सेंट मिले
Quote 25: Beauty is in the heart of the beholder.
In Hindi: सुंदरता देखने वाले के ह्रदय में है।
H. G. Wells एच जी वेल्स
Quote 26: She got her looks from her father. He’s a plastic surgeon.
In Hindi: उसे उसके लुक्स उसके पिता से मिले। वह एक पलस्टिक सर्जन हैं।
Groucho Marx ग्रुशो मार्क्स
Quote 27: Beauty has a lot to do with character.
In Hindi: सौंदर्य का चरित्र के साथ बहुत कुछ लेना-देना है।
Kevyn Aucoin केविन औकोइन
Quote 28: Integrity reveals beauty.
In Hindi: वफ़ादारी सौंदर्य व्यक्त करती है।
Thomas Leonard थॉमस लियोनार्ड
Quote 29: Inner beauty should be the most important part of improving one’s self.
In Hindi: आंतरिक सौंदर्य आत्म सुधार का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा होना चाहिए।
Priscilla Presley प्रिसिला प्रेस्ली
Quote 30: Beauty is a fragile gift.
In Hindi: सौंदर्य एक नाज़ुक उपहार है।
Ovid ओविड
Quote 31: Love built on beauty, soon as beauty, dies.
In Hindi: सौंदर्य पर आधारित प्रेम , सौंदर्य जितना ही जल्दी मर जाता है।
John Donne जॉन डोंने
Quote 32: Beauty is the first present nature gives to women and the first it takes away.
In Hindi: सौंदर्य पहला उपहार है जो प्रकृति महिलाओं को देती है और जो सबसे पहले ले लेती है।
Fay Weldon फे वेल्डन
Quote 33: It is easy to be beautiful; it is difficult to appear so.
In Hindi: सुंदर होना आसान है; ऐसा दिखना मुश्किल है।
Hosea Ballou होशे बैलो
Quote 34: The problem with beauty is that it’s like being born rich and getting poorer.
In Hindi: सुंदरता के साथ समस्या यह है कि ये अमीर पैदा होने और धीरे-धीरे गरीब होने की तरह है।
Joan Collins जोन कॉलिंस
Quote 35: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
In Hindi: भविष्य उनका है जो अपने सपनों की खूबसूरती में विश्वास करते हैं।
Eleanor Roosevelt एलेनोर रूज़वेल्ट
Quote 36:Education is the best friend. An educated person is respected everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth.
In Hindi : शिक्षा सबसे अच्छी मित्र है.एक शिक्षित व्यक्ति हर जगह सम्मान पता है. शिक्षा सौंदर्य और यौवन को परास्त कर देती है.
 Chanakya चाणक्य
Quote 37: Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
In Hindi: सौंदर्य देखने वाले की आँखों में है।
Plato प्लेटो
Quote 38: Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
In Hindi: सुंदरता बीयर धारक की आँखों में है।
Kinky Friedman किंकी फ्रीडमैन
Quote 39: Truth isn’t always beauty, but the hunger for it is.
In Hindi: सत्य हमेशा सुन्दर नहीं होता , लेकिन इसकी भूख होती है।
Nadine Gordimer नादिन गौर्डीमर
Quote 40: By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower.
In Hindi: उसकी पंखुड़ियों तोड़ कर, आप फूल की खूबसूरती इकट्ठा नहीं करते।
Rabindranath Tagore रवीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर
Quote 41: Beauty is a short-lived tyranny.
In Hindi: सौंदर्य एक अल्पकालिक अत्याचार है।
Socrates सुकरात
Quote 42: Natural beauty takes at least two hours in front of a mirror.
In Hindi: नेचुरल ब्यूटी के लिए शीशे के सामने कम से कम दो घंटा लगता है।
Pamela Anderson पामेला एंडरसन
Quote 43: Beauty without expression is boring.
In Hindi: अभिव्यक्ति के बिना सौंदर्य उबाऊ है।
Ralph Waldo Emerson राल्फ वाल्डो इमर्सन